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Jiangyun Wang
Wang Jiangyun, Doctor, professor, doctoral supervisorMember, Karamay School District Education and Teaching CommitteeE-mail:wangjy@cup.edu.cn TEL:0990-6633305Educational experience1995-1999 Undergraduate, Zhengzhou University2003-2006 China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Master2006-2009 PhD, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)Work experience2009-2017 Lecturer and Master Supervisor of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) (Chemical Process Machinery)2017-present Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) (Chemical Process Machinery, Chemical Engineering)2012.2-Aug., Visiting Scholar, Corrosion and MultiPhase Flow Center (ICMT), Ohio University, USATeaching courses1. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Chemical Fluid Mechanics2. Introduction to Process Equipment and Control Engineering3. Pressure Vessel Safety Management Engineering4. Heterogeneous Separation Technology5. Mechanical Drawing, Computer Drawing6. Environmental Engineering Design and SimulationSeven. Production Practice, Metalworking PracticeResearch direction1. Multiphase flow and process equipment strengthening2. Combustion and heat transfer enhancement3. Multiphase flow and corrosionResearch project1. National Natural Science Youth Fund Project, 21106181, Research on the suppression and performance improvement of asymmetric strong spiral flow in the cyclone separator.2. China Petrochemical Co., Ltd. develops multi-functional deep-bed filter technology for nitrogen removal and phosphorus removal.3. Beijing Low-Carbon Clean Energy Research Institute, numerical simulation analysis and design of multi-phase flow in the polymer devolatilization device.4. Beijing Low-Carbon Clean Energy Research Institute, multi-phase flow reactor distributor and cyclone separator CFD simulation research technology.5. China Special Equipment Testing and Research Institute, NH4HS corrosion rate test.6. Sinopec Science and Technology Project - Technology Development, ZX20180096, a new generation of green low-carbon model heating furnace integrated technology research.7. The horizontal project of Sinopec Shanghai Gaoqiao Petrochemical Co., Ltd., research on the law of oil and gas flow in the settler and the scheme to avoid coking.8. The horizontal project of Qingdao Safety Engineering Research Institute of China Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is a study on the flushing behavior of casing in the fracturing process based on multi-phase flow simulation.9. China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay Campus Scientific Research Launch Project, RCYJ2017B-02-002, Structural Mutation Flow Channel Internal Cavitation-Erosion Collaborative Damage Mechanism.Representative papers Di Wang, Liqiang Sun, Jiangyun Wang, et al. Experimental study of the dynamic characteristics of a cyclone by hot wire/film anemometry: Effects of gas leakage, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020,251:117~365 Zhuwei Gao, Juan Wang, Jiangyun Wang, et al. Analysis of the effect of vortex on the flow field of a cylindrical cyclone separator, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019,211:438~447 Zhuwei Gao, Juan Wang, Jiangyun Wang, et al. Time-frequency analysis of the vortex motion in a cylindrical cyclone separator, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019,373:1120~1131Major achievements (patents and awards, etc.)Awards:1. New combustion and heat transfer technology of USC ethylene cracking furnace, National Energy Administration, National Energy Science and Technology Progress Award, second prize, 2013, ranked third.2. New combustion and heat transfer technology of USC ethylene cracking furnace, Beijing Municipal People's Government, Beijing Science and Technology Award, second prize, 2012, ranked third.3. Based on the "Excellent Engineer Training Plan" process equipment and control engineering excellent class enterprise production internship teaching reform and practice, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) school-level education reform project, first prize, 2017.4, ranked fourth.4. Construction and practice of chemical and mechanical applied innovative talent training system, the 10th Autonomous Region Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, third prize, 2019.11, ranking secondPatent:1. Gas-liquid separator for oil and gas well test injection, 201620413309.82. Feed nozzle of catalytic cracking device, 201310545464.63. Porous nozzle for oil and gas well test, 201620935365.84. New connection mode and components between the coarse spin and the top spin in the FCC settler, 201210126277. 5. Double-cone liquid-type gas-liquid separator for oil and gas well test and spraying, 201710292006.46. High-efficiency throttle erosion-resistant needle-type adjustable oil nozzle, 201720538270.77. A cyclone separator, ZL201410800344.08. Steam generator with adjustable pressure and temperature regulation, 201410299278.3
Zhiqi Huang
Huang Zhiqi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, Member of China Command and Control Society (CICC), Member of Sichuan Virtual Reality Professional Committee.Educational experience;In 2009, the Doctor degree of test metrology technology and instrument from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Main research directions:Wearable computer system architecture, human-computer interaction, wearability, system reliability, AR/VR research.Scientific research and achievements: He has presided over and participated in more than 10 projects of the National 863 Program, the National Nature Foundation, the China-Canada International Cooperation project, the Sino-German Fund project, the national key research and development plan, the final assembly, and the enterprise project. Published SCI, EI source journal papers, applied for a number of national invention patents. In 2014, it organized the Fourth National Wearable Computing Academic Conference and the first China (International) Intelligent Wearable Technology and Industry Forum, and made a special report of the conference. Organized and participated in the Sino-German bilateral Seminar on wearable Computing supported by the Sino-German Science Center in 2010 (Chengdu) and 2011 (Bremen), and made a report on the conference. Guided students to participate in the 12th "Challenge Cup" National College students extracurricular academic science and technology works competition, won the national third prize.Scientific research projects hosted and participated in in recent years:(1) Sub-topic of the national key research and development plan, 2017YFB1002803, mixed presentation of strong realism of audio-visual touch virtual and real registration, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2017-09-2021-09, host;(2) National Natural Science Foundation of China, Surface Project, 62172081, Key Technology and Theoretical Research of Emotional Physiological Perception HMD Interactive Interface in Virtual Environment, 2022-01 to 2025-12, Ranking Second;(3) National key research and development plan topic, 2016YFB1001401, new wearable somatosensory interactive device, 2016-07 to 2020-06, ranked fourth;(4) National Natural Science Foundation of China, surface project, 61572110, based on the mechanism, structure and adaptive algorithm of "movement forge" based on fabric dynamic ECG, 2016-01 to 2019-12, ranked second.In recent years, invention patents have been authorized:[1] Huang Zhiqi, Chen Dongyi, Yang Yanjie; A method and system for predicting displacement frames, 2021-08-03, China, ZL202010015402.4.[2] Huang Zhiqi, Liu Chen, Wang Yongcui; Array haptic stimulation control method, 2021-02-19, China, ZL201910724286.0.[3] Huang Zhiqi, Chen Dongyi, Xiong Fan, Chen Xiao; Wearable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Dynamic Detection Chest Strap, 2020-08-11, China, ZL201610444202.4.[4] Huang Zhiqi, Chen Dongyi, Michael Lawo, Xiong Fan, Chen Xiao; Inhibiting Motion Fake Graphene Flexible Brain Capacitive Electrode, 2019-12-03, China, ZL201510847132.2.[5] Huang Zhiqi, Chen Dongyi, Xiong Fan, Chen Xiao; Inhibiting Motion Fake Graphene Flexible Electrocardio Electrode, 2018-10-16, China, ZL201510844138.4.Paper:[1] Yongcui Wang, Zhiqi Huang*, Chen Liu, Wang Pu. Study on the Threshold Characteristics of Human Back Perception for Vibrational Tactile Expression. The 2019 International Symposium on Electronic Engineering and Informatics (ISEEI 2019). June,2019.[2] Du Jingyi, Huang Zhiqi*, Chen Dongyi, Lei Taowei. Research status of vibration tactile coding. Journal of Engineering Science, 2021, 43(9): 1261-1268.[3] Huang, Zhi-Qi;Guo, Feng;Stochastic resonance in a fractional linear oscillator subject to random viscous damping and signal-modulated noise,CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS,2016,54(1): 69-76[4] Huang, Zhi-Qi;Peng, Ya-Na;Guo, Feng;Stochastic Resonance in the Logistic Growth Model with Time-modulated Correlated Noise, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY,2012,61(2):1932-1937
Chao Xu
Xu Chao,Professor, doctoral supervisorTEL:010-61773934E-mail:mechxu@ncepu.edu.cnEducational experience:1998 Bachelor degree in Engineering Thermophysics, Xi 'an Jiaotong University;2004 PhD from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Work Experience:2008-2010 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Connecticut, USAAssociate Professor, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Since 2013, he has been a professor at North China Electric Power University.Academic part-time:At present, he is a member of the Youth Working Committee of the Heat and Mass Transfer Branch of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, a member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Society of Renewable Energy, and a member of the National Solar thermal Power Generation Standardization Technical Committee. He is an associate editor of the SCI journals Science Bulletin and IET Renewable Power Generation. The editorial board members of SCI journal Energies and EI core journal Frontiers in Heat and Ass Transfer won the honor of outstanding Associate Editor of Science Bulletin in 2016.Research direction:Solar thermal utilization, heat storage, electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen, thermochemical to produce hydrogenMain scientific research projects:[1] The project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the relationship between the strengthening mechanism of the thermochemical heat storage performance of hydrated salt composite materials and the law of multi-scale heat and mass transfer, 2019-01 to 2022-12, 600,000 yuan[2] Innovation Group Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Core Backbone), Energy Transfer Transformation and Efficient Power System, 2018-01 to 2023-12, 12 million yuan[3] Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, ** Youth ** Project, 2018-01 to 2020-12, 1.7 million yuan[4] Key research and development plan sub-project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, R&D and demonstration of 10MW advanced compressed air energy storage technology, 2017-07 to 2021-06, 1.01 million yuan[5] National Natural Science Foundation of China ** project, multi-field coupled thermal mass transmission, 2016-01 to 2018-12, 1.5 million yuan[6] Youth Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on the Flow and Heat Exchange Process and Their Coupling Mechanism in the Mixed Heat Storage System of Molten Salt Oblique Thermolayer, 2012-01 to 2014-12, 260,000 yuan[7] Chinese Academy of Sciences, Talent Project of Youth Innovation Promotion Association, 2012-01 to 2013-05, 200,000 yuan[8] Ministry of Education, scientific research start-up fund for overseas returnees, research on heat transfer characteristics of molten salt oblique temperature layer mixed heat storage system using phase transformation to fill particles, 2012-06 to 2015-12, 30,000 yuan[9] Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China 973 project, large-scale solar thermal power generation system integration and regulation strategy, 2010-01 to 2014-08, 6.03 million yuanPaper:2020[1] Tieying Wang; Tianying Zhang; Guizhi Xu; Chao Xu*; Zhirong Liao; Feng Ye; A new low-cost high-temperature shape-stable phase change material based on coal fly ash and K2CO3, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2020, 206: 0-110328. (SCI)[2] Feng Ye; Zhiming Wang; Chao Xu*; Mengdi Yuan; Peng Liu; Woochul Yang;Guicheng Liu*; Mechanism and kinetic study of pulse electrodeposition processof Pt/C catalysts for fuel cells, Renewable Energy, 2020, 145: 514-520. (SCI)[3] Mostafa M. Abd El-Samie; Xing Ju*; Zheyang Zhang; Saad AbdueljabbarAdam; Xinyu Pan; Chao Xu; Three-dimensional numerical investigation of a hybridlow concentrated photovoltaic/thermal system, Energy, 2020, 190: 0-116436. (SCI)2019[4] Quan Wang; Yunyun Xie; Bo Ding; Guoliang Yu; Feng Ye; Chao Xu*; Structure and hydration state characterizations of MgSO4-zeolite 13x compositematerials for long-term thermochemical heat storage, Solar Energy Materialsand Solar Cells, 2019, 200: 0-110047. (SCI)[5] Yuan, Mengdi; Ren, Yunxiu; Xu, Chao*; Ye, Feng; Du, Xiaoze; Characterization and stability study of a form-stable erythritol/expanded graphitecomposite phase change material for thermal energy storage, Renewable Energy,2019, 136: 211-222. (SCI)[6] Han, Xue; Pan, Xinyu; Yang, Hao; Xu, Chao*; Ju, Xing; Du, Xiaoze; Dynamic output characteristics of a photovoltaic-wind-concentrating solar powerhybrid system integrating an electric heating device, Energy Conversion andManagement, 2019, 193: 86-98. (SCI)[7] Ju, Xing; Pan, Xinyu; Zhang, Zheyang; Xu, Chao*; Wei, Gaosheng; Thermal and electrical performance of the dense-array concentrating photovoltaic(DA-CPV) system under non-uniform illumination, Applied Energy, 2019, 250:904-915. (SCI)[8] Ren, Yunxiu; Li, Pengda; Yuan, Mengdi; Ye, Feng; Xu, Chao*; Liu,Zhijian; Effect of the fabrication process on the thermophysical properties ofCa(NO3)2–NaNO3/expanded graphite phase change material composites , SolarEnergy Materials and Solar Cells, 2019, 200: 0-110005. (SCI)
Jiangyun Wang
Wang Jiangyun, Doctor, professor, doctoral supervisorMember, Karamay School District Education and Teaching CommitteeE-mail:wangjy@cup.edu.cn TEL:0990-6633305Educational experience1995-1999 Undergraduate, Zhengzhou University2003-2006 China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Master2006-2009 PhD, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)Work experience2009-2017 Lecturer and Master Supervisor of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) (Chemical Process Machinery)2017-present Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) (Chemical Process Machinery, Chemical Engineering)2012.2-Aug., Visiting Scholar, Corrosion and MultiPhase Flow Center (ICMT), Ohio University, USATeaching courses1. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Chemical Fluid Mechanics2. Introduction to Process Equipment and Control Engineering3. Pressure Vessel Safety Management Engineering4. Heterogeneous Separation Technology5. Mechanical Drawing, Computer Drawing6. Environmental Engineering Design and SimulationSeven. Production Practice, Metalworking PracticeResearch direction1. Multiphase flow and process equipment strengthening2. Combustion and heat transfer enhancement3. Multiphase flow and corrosionResearch project1. National Natural Science Youth Fund Project, 21106181, Research on the suppression and performance improvement of asymmetric strong spiral flow in the cyclone separator.2. China Petrochemical Co., Ltd. develops multi-functional deep-bed filter technology for nitrogen removal and phosphorus removal.3. Beijing Low-Carbon Clean Energy Research Institute, numerical simulation analysis and design of multi-phase flow in the polymer devolatilization device.4. Beijing Low-Carbon Clean Energy Research Institute, multi-phase flow reactor distributor and cyclone separator CFD simulation research technology.5. China Special Equipment Testing and Research Institute, NH4HS corrosion rate test.6. Sinopec Science and Technology Project - Technology Development, ZX20180096, a new generation of green low-carbon model heating furnace integrated technology research.7. The horizontal project of Sinopec Shanghai Gaoqiao Petrochemical Co., Ltd., research on the law of oil and gas flow in the settler and the scheme to avoid coking.8. The horizontal project of Qingdao Safety Engineering Research Institute of China Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is a study on the flushing behavior of casing in the fracturing process based on multi-phase flow simulation.9. China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay Campus Scientific Research Launch Project, RCYJ2017B-02-002, Structural Mutation Flow Channel Internal Cavitation-Erosion Collaborative Damage Mechanism.Representative papers Di Wang, Liqiang Sun, Jiangyun Wang, et al. Experimental study of the dynamic characteristics of a cyclone by hot wire/film anemometry: Effects of gas leakage, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020,251:117~365 Zhuwei Gao, Juan Wang, Jiangyun Wang, et al. Analysis of the effect of vortex on the flow field of a cylindrical cyclone separator, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019,211:438~447 Zhuwei Gao, Juan Wang, Jiangyun Wang, et al. Time-frequency analysis of the vortex motion in a cylindrical cyclone separator, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019,373:1120~1131Major achievements (patents and awards, etc.)Awards:1. New combustion and heat transfer technology of USC ethylene cracking furnace, National Energy Administration, National Energy Science and Technology Progress Award, second prize, 2013, ranked third.2. New combustion and heat transfer technology of USC ethylene cracking furnace, Beijing Municipal People's Government, Beijing Science and Technology Award, second prize, 2012, ranked third.3. Based on the "Excellent Engineer Training Plan" process equipment and control engineering excellent class enterprise production internship teaching reform and practice, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) school-level education reform project, first prize, 2017.4, ranked fourth.4. Construction and practice of chemical and mechanical applied innovative talent training system, the 10th Autonomous Region Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, third prize, 2019.11, ranking secondPatent:1. Gas-liquid separator for oil and gas well test injection, 201620413309.82. Feed nozzle of catalytic cracking device, 201310545464.63. Porous nozzle for oil and gas well test, 201620935365.84. New connection mode and components between the coarse spin and the top spin in the FCC settler, 201210126277. 5. Double-cone liquid-type gas-liquid separator for oil and gas well test and spraying, 201710292006.46. High-efficiency throttle erosion-resistant needle-type adjustable oil nozzle, 201720538270.77. A cyclone separator, ZL201410800344.08. Steam generator with adjustable pressure and temperature regulation, 201410299278.3
Zhiqi Huang
Huang Zhiqi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, Member of China Command and Control Society (CICC), Member of Sichuan Virtual Reality Professional Committee.Educational experience;In 2009, the Doctor degree of test metrology technology and instrument from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Main research directions:Wearable computer system architecture, human-computer interaction, wearability, system reliability, AR/VR research.Scientific research and achievements: He has presided over and participated in more than 10 projects of the National 863 Program, the National Nature Foundation, the China-Canada International Cooperation project, the Sino-German Fund project, the national key research and development plan, the final assembly, and the enterprise project. Published SCI, EI source journal papers, applied for a number of national invention patents. In 2014, it organized the Fourth National Wearable Computing Academic Conference and the first China (International) Intelligent Wearable Technology and Industry Forum, and made a special report of the conference. Organized and participated in the Sino-German bilateral Seminar on wearable Computing supported by the Sino-German Science Center in 2010 (Chengdu) and 2011 (Bremen), and made a report on the conference. Guided students to participate in the 12th "Challenge Cup" National College students extracurricular academic science and technology works competition, won the national third prize.Scientific research projects hosted and participated in in recent years:(1) Sub-topic of the national key research and development plan, 2017YFB1002803, mixed presentation of strong realism of audio-visual touch virtual and real registration, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2017-09-2021-09, host;(2) National Natural Science Foundation of China, Surface Project, 62172081, Key Technology and Theoretical Research of Emotional Physiological Perception HMD Interactive Interface in Virtual Environment, 2022-01 to 2025-12, Ranking Second;(3) National key research and development plan topic, 2016YFB1001401, new wearable somatosensory interactive device, 2016-07 to 2020-06, ranked fourth;(4) National Natural Science Foundation of China, surface project, 61572110, based on the mechanism, structure and adaptive algorithm of "movement forge" based on fabric dynamic ECG, 2016-01 to 2019-12, ranked second.In recent years, invention patents have been authorized:[1] Huang Zhiqi, Chen Dongyi, Yang Yanjie; A method and system for predicting displacement frames, 2021-08-03, China, ZL202010015402.4.[2] Huang Zhiqi, Liu Chen, Wang Yongcui; Array haptic stimulation control method, 2021-02-19, China, ZL201910724286.0.[3] Huang Zhiqi, Chen Dongyi, Xiong Fan, Chen Xiao; Wearable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Dynamic Detection Chest Strap, 2020-08-11, China, ZL201610444202.4.[4] Huang Zhiqi, Chen Dongyi, Michael Lawo, Xiong Fan, Chen Xiao; Inhibiting Motion Fake Graphene Flexible Brain Capacitive Electrode, 2019-12-03, China, ZL201510847132.2.[5] Huang Zhiqi, Chen Dongyi, Xiong Fan, Chen Xiao; Inhibiting Motion Fake Graphene Flexible Electrocardio Electrode, 2018-10-16, China, ZL201510844138.4.Paper:[1] Yongcui Wang, Zhiqi Huang*, Chen Liu, Wang Pu. Study on the Threshold Characteristics of Human Back Perception for Vibrational Tactile Expression. The 2019 International Symposium on Electronic Engineering and Informatics (ISEEI 2019). June,2019.[2] Du Jingyi, Huang Zhiqi*, Chen Dongyi, Lei Taowei. Research status of vibration tactile coding. Journal of Engineering Science, 2021, 43(9): 1261-1268.[3] Huang, Zhi-Qi;Guo, Feng;Stochastic resonance in a fractional linear oscillator subject to random viscous damping and signal-modulated noise,CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS,2016,54(1): 69-76[4] Huang, Zhi-Qi;Peng, Ya-Na;Guo, Feng;Stochastic Resonance in the Logistic Growth Model with Time-modulated Correlated Noise, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY,2012,61(2):1932-1937
Chao Xu
Xu Chao,Professor, doctoral supervisorTEL:010-61773934E-mail:mechxu@ncepu.edu.cnEducational experience:1998 Bachelor degree in Engineering Thermophysics, Xi 'an Jiaotong University;2004 PhD from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Work Experience:2008-2010 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Connecticut, USAAssociate Professor, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Since 2013, he has been a professor at North China Electric Power University.Academic part-time:At present, he is a member of the Youth Working Committee of the Heat and Mass Transfer Branch of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, a member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Society of Renewable Energy, and a member of the National Solar thermal Power Generation Standardization Technical Committee. He is an associate editor of the SCI journals Science Bulletin and IET Renewable Power Generation. The editorial board members of SCI journal Energies and EI core journal Frontiers in Heat and Ass Transfer won the honor of outstanding Associate Editor of Science Bulletin in 2016.Research direction:Solar thermal utilization, heat storage, electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen, thermochemical to produce hydrogenMain scientific research projects:[1] The project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the relationship between the strengthening mechanism of the thermochemical heat storage performance of hydrated salt composite materials and the law of multi-scale heat and mass transfer, 2019-01 to 2022-12, 600,000 yuan[2] Innovation Group Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Core Backbone), Energy Transfer Transformation and Efficient Power System, 2018-01 to 2023-12, 12 million yuan[3] Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, ** Youth ** Project, 2018-01 to 2020-12, 1.7 million yuan[4] Key research and development plan sub-project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, R&D and demonstration of 10MW advanced compressed air energy storage technology, 2017-07 to 2021-06, 1.01 million yuan[5] National Natural Science Foundation of China ** project, multi-field coupled thermal mass transmission, 2016-01 to 2018-12, 1.5 million yuan[6] Youth Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on the Flow and Heat Exchange Process and Their Coupling Mechanism in the Mixed Heat Storage System of Molten Salt Oblique Thermolayer, 2012-01 to 2014-12, 260,000 yuan[7] Chinese Academy of Sciences, Talent Project of Youth Innovation Promotion Association, 2012-01 to 2013-05, 200,000 yuan[8] Ministry of Education, scientific research start-up fund for overseas returnees, research on heat transfer characteristics of molten salt oblique temperature layer mixed heat storage system using phase transformation to fill particles, 2012-06 to 2015-12, 30,000 yuan[9] Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China 973 project, large-scale solar thermal power generation system integration and regulation strategy, 2010-01 to 2014-08, 6.03 million yuanPaper:2020[1] Tieying Wang; Tianying Zhang; Guizhi Xu; Chao Xu*; Zhirong Liao; Feng Ye; A new low-cost high-temperature shape-stable phase change material based on coal fly ash and K2CO3, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2020, 206: 0-110328. (SCI)[2] Feng Ye; Zhiming Wang; Chao Xu*; Mengdi Yuan; Peng Liu; Woochul Yang;Guicheng Liu*; Mechanism and kinetic study of pulse electrodeposition processof Pt/C catalysts for fuel cells, Renewable Energy, 2020, 145: 514-520. (SCI)[3] Mostafa M. Abd El-Samie; Xing Ju*; Zheyang Zhang; Saad AbdueljabbarAdam; Xinyu Pan; Chao Xu; Three-dimensional numerical investigation of a hybridlow concentrated photovoltaic/thermal system, Energy, 2020, 190: 0-116436. (SCI)2019[4] Quan Wang; Yunyun Xie; Bo Ding; Guoliang Yu; Feng Ye; Chao Xu*; Structure and hydration state characterizations of MgSO4-zeolite 13x compositematerials for long-term thermochemical heat storage, Solar Energy Materialsand Solar Cells, 2019, 200: 0-110047. (SCI)[5] Yuan, Mengdi; Ren, Yunxiu; Xu, Chao*; Ye, Feng; Du, Xiaoze; Characterization and stability study of a form-stable erythritol/expanded graphitecomposite phase change material for thermal energy storage, Renewable Energy,2019, 136: 211-222. (SCI)[6] Han, Xue; Pan, Xinyu; Yang, Hao; Xu, Chao*; Ju, Xing; Du, Xiaoze; Dynamic output characteristics of a photovoltaic-wind-concentrating solar powerhybrid system integrating an electric heating device, Energy Conversion andManagement, 2019, 193: 86-98. (SCI)[7] Ju, Xing; Pan, Xinyu; Zhang, Zheyang; Xu, Chao*; Wei, Gaosheng; Thermal and electrical performance of the dense-array concentrating photovoltaic(DA-CPV) system under non-uniform illumination, Applied Energy, 2019, 250:904-915. (SCI)[8] Ren, Yunxiu; Li, Pengda; Yuan, Mengdi; Ye, Feng; Xu, Chao*; Liu,Zhijian; Effect of the fabrication process on the thermophysical properties ofCa(NO3)2–NaNO3/expanded graphite phase change material composites , SolarEnergy Materials and Solar Cells, 2019, 200: 0-110005. (SCI)
Yang Li
Li Yang, doctorate, master's supervisorprofessor-level senior engineer, High-level introduction of talents in the autonomous region, the head of the "Tianshan Innovation Team" of the autonomous region, the technical leader of the key laboratory of Xinjiang Aluminum-based electronic and electrical materials autonomous region, the "hundred" talents of the "ten thousand" talent project in Urumqi High-tech ZoneEducational experience2005.09-2009.07 Undergraduate, University of Science and Technology of China2009.09-2014.07 Ph.D., Institute of Metals, Chinese Academy of SciencesWork experience2014.07-2016.12 Senior Engineer and R&D of Xinjiang Zhonghe Co., Ltd.2017.01-2019.12 Senior Engineer and R&D Director of Xinjiang Zhonghe Co., Ltd.2020.01-2020.10 Xinjiang Zhonghe Co., Ltd./Xinjiang Aluminum-based Electronic and Electrical Materials Key Laboratory Professor-level Senior Engineer/Technical Leader (part-time)2020.11-present Professor-level senior engineer and master's tutor of Karamay Campus Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)Teaching courses1. Organic chemistry2. Inorganic chemistry and analytical chemistry3. Clean Energy Project4. Chemical science and technology paper retrieval and writingResearch direction1. High purity nano powder materials2. New energy materials3. Metal corrosion and protection4. Solid waste recycling of aluminum-based materialsScientific research project1. Xinjiang high-level talent introduction Project, 400,000 yuan, presided over, the final assessment is excellent;2. "Tianshan Innovation Team" of autonomous Region, 6.024,500 yuan, hosted;3. "Tianchi Doctor Program" of Autonomous region, 90,000 yuan, presided over;4. Aluminum air fuel cell anode production technology development, autonomous region science and technology branch Xinjiang plan, 4 million yuan, technical director;5. LED sapphire with high purity alumina key technology research and development and industrialization, autonomous region 13th five-year major project, 38.85 million yuan, technical director;6. Tbea high-end equipment manufacturing technology innovation and application, regional key project of Science and Technology Service Network Program (STS Program), Chinese Academy of Sciences, 6 million yuan, Technical director;Paper:1. Yang Li, Yuantai Ma, Bin Zhang,Bing Lei, Ying Li, Enhancement the Adhesion between Epoxy Coating and Rusted Structural Steel by Tannic Acid Treatment, Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.)2014, 27(6), 1105;2. Yang Li,Hailong Shang,Bingyang Ma,Xuqiang Guo,Rongbin Li, Geyang Li,The effect of temperature and sputtered particles on the wet-tability of Al/Al2O3,Materials 2021, 14(9), 2110;3. Tianjin Gao, Yang Li, Qianfeng Liu,, Zhao Yan, Erdong Wang, Yanli Gao, Changke Chen, Bing Ma, Yujiang Song, The electrochemical behavior of Al-2Mg alloy in alkaline solution containing stannate ion, Journal of Power Sources,2019,412,63;Patent results1. A method for preparing high crystallinity and high purity quasi-thin bauxite, CN201710953479.4;2. AN ALUMINUM AIR BATTERY, CN201811526709. X;3. A method for preparing special alumina by using phosphorus-containing waste liquid from corroded aluminum foil, CN201910313601.0;4. A water-based coating of alumina and its preparation method, the method of coating the crucible, CN202011022918.8;5. A process of alcohol water recovery in the production of high-purity ultrafine alumina powder, CN202010984392.5;6. Continuous hydrolysis reaction device, CN202021860671.2Contact informationE-mail: lyanga@cupk.edu.cnOffice Tel: 0990-6633325
Mei Wu
Wu Mei,Doctor of Science,Professor,Master's Advisor.TEL:0990-6633312 E-mail:wumei_1121@163.comEducational experience:2004, Bachelor of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Lanzhou University,2007 Master Degree in Organic Chemistry, Lanzhou University2010 PhD, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.Work experience:From 2010 to 2014, worked in petrochina Karamay Petrochemical Company.Scientific research Achievements:mainly engaged in the research of petrochemical application, and has presided over and participated in a number of scientific research projects. He has published more than 20 scientific research papers and authorized 3 invention patents. Won a provincial and ministerial level award.Taught courses:"Organic Chemistry" and "College Chemistry", presided over and participated in 2 teaching reform projects, and published 4 teaching reform papers.Paper:1.Mei Wu, Cheng-Xia Miao, Shoufeng Wang, Xiaoxue Hu, Chungu Xia, Fritz E. Kühn, Wei Sun.Chiral Bioinspired Non-Heme Iron Complexes for Enantioselective Epoxidation of α,β-Unsaturated Ketones. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2011, 353 (16): 3014- 3022.2.Mei Wu, Bin Wang, Shoufeng Wang, Chungu Xia, Wei Sun. Asymmetric Epoxidation of Olefins with Chiral Bioinspired Manganese Complexes. Organic Letters, 2009, 11, 3622-3625.3.Wu Mei, Wang shoufeng, Xia Chungu, Sun Wei. The Synthesis of Tridentate Ligands Based on Chiral Diamines and Their Application in Enantioselective Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Indoles with Nitroalkenes. Chinese Journal of Chemistr y,2010,28(2).4.Mei Wu, Jinshan Guo, Huanwang Jing Organic base catalyzed oligomerization of propylene carbonate and bisphenol A: Unexpected polyether diol formation, Catalysis Communications, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2008, Pages 120-125.5. Mei Wu, Huanwang Jing, Tao Chang. Synthesis of β-amino carbonyl compounds via a Mannich reaction catalyzed by SalenZn complex. Catalysis Communications, Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2007, Pages 2217-2221.6.Mei Wu, Haibing Zhang. Study of phase separation behavior of poly(N,N-diethylacryamide)in aqueous solution prepared by RAFT polymerization. Polymer Bulletin, 2019,76(2),825-848..Authorized patent:1. Ingot cleaning liquid for cotton harvester and its preparation and use method, 201310570336.7.2. A hydrocarbon oil demetalizer and demetalization method, CN 105733657 A.3. A ester lubricating oil base oil and its synthesis method, 201510768094.1.
Yu Chen
Chen Yu,Ph.D., professor, master's supervisor. TEL:0990-6633306 E-mail:chenyu@cup.edu.cnEducastional experience:1985 Northeast Normal University with a bachelor's degree 2000 Department of Chemistry of the University of Marburg in Germany PhD. .At present, discipline is chemical engineering and process/physical chemistry. The main research directions :theoretical simulation of catalytic reaction mechanism, theoretical catalysis, applied quantum chemistry, molecular simulation, etc. In recent years, he has presided over 3 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China; he has published nearly 60 papers in domestic and foreign journals, and cooperated in the translation of 1 German monograph.Paper:1、 Huichao Yao, Yu Chen*, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Zhichang Liu, Dong Zhai, Baijun Liu,Chunming Xu*, Periodic DFT study on mechanism of selective catalytic reduction of NO via NH3 and O2 over the V2O5 (001) surface: Competitive sites and pathways, Journal of Catalysis, 2013, 305, 67-752、Huichao Yao, Yu Chen*, Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao, Zhichang Liu, Chunming Xu*, A periodic DFT study of ammonia adsorption on the V2O5 (001), V2O5 (010) and V2O5 (100) surfaces: Lewis versus Br?nsted acid sites, Surface Science, 2012, 606(21-22), 1739-17483、Yu Chen*, Fuli Zhang, Chunming Xu, Jinsen Gao, Dong Zhai, Zhen Zhao*, Theoretical Investigation of Water-Gas Shift Reaction Catalyzed by Iron Group Carbonyl Complexes M(CO)5 (M = Fe, Ru, Os), J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116(10), 2529-25354、Fuli Zhang, Liang Zhao, Chunming Xu, Yu Chen*, Theoretical Revisit of a Fe(CO)5-Catalyzed Water-Gas Shift Reaction, Inorg. Chem., 2010, 49(7), 3278-32815、Y. Chen, M. Hartmann, M. Diedenhofen, G. Frenking*, Turning a Transition State into a Minimum - The Nature of the Bonding in Diplumbylene Compounds RPbPbR (R = H, Ar), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2001, 40(11), 2051-20556、Y. Chen, W. Petz, G. Frenking*, Is it Possible to Synthesize a Low-Valent Transition Metal Complex with Neutral Carbon Atom as Terminal Ligand? A Theoretical Study of (CO)4FeC, Organometallics, 2000, 19(14), 2698-2706
Xuqiang Guo
Guo Xuqiang, doctor, professor, doctoral supervisorEducational experience1980.9-1984.7 Undergraduate of East China Petroleum Institute1987.9-1990.3 Master of Petroleum University (Beijing)1995.9-1999.3 Ph.D., China University of Petroleum (Beijing)Work experience1984.7-1990.8 Teaching Assistant of East China Petroleum Institute1990.3-2002.6 Teaching assistant, lecturer, associate professor, professor, master's supervisor of the University of Petroleum (East China)2002.7-2017.5 Professor and doctoral supervisor of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)2017.5-present Professor and doctoral supervisor of Karamay Campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)Teaching courses1. Principles of chemical industry2. Chemical principle (I)3. Chemical principle (II)4. Chemical Engineering Principles Course Design5. Chemical thermodynamics6. Advanced chemical thermodynamics7. Energy evaluation and analysis of chemical process8. Chemical knowledge internship9. Chemical production internship...Research direction1. Hydrogen recovery technology for hydrate2. Hydraulic hollowing heavy oil viscosity reduction technology3. Simulation of coal chemical process4. Carbon dioxide injection technology to improve crude oil recoveryResearch project1. Basic research on the development of methane hydrate by carbon dioxide method, project on the surface of the National Natural Fund, presided over2. Research on the mass and heat transfer and stability of natural gas hydrates, the project of the National Nature Fund of China, presided over3. Research on the dynamic process of the evolution of natural gas hydrates in the northern part of the South China Sea, National 973 Project, Research Backbone4. Efficient separation and refining of low-carbon products in the oil refining process, national 973 project, research backboneIn addition, there are many provincial and ministerial-level and enterprise-commissioned projects.Representative papersA total of more than 200 papers have been published, and some articles in 2022 are as follows:1. Zhang Jiahui, Luo Jingquan, Wang Yiwei, Dong Bo, Xu Zhen, Wang Lin, Liu Aixian, Guo Xuqiang, Experimental investigation on characteristics of venturi cavitating flo W and Rhodamine B degradation in methanol solution, FLOW MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION, 2022, 85, DOI: 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2022.1021712. Dong Bo, Luo Jingquan, Zhang Jiahui, Wang Yiwei, Liu Aixian, Guo Xuqiang, the influence of the length of the straight pipe on the hollowing flow field of Venturi pipe, fluid machinery, 2022, 5:62-673. Wang Yiwei, Wang Shuqi, Liu Zheng, Ma Rong, Sun Qiang, Liu Aixian, Yang Lanying, Gong Jing, Guo Xuqiang, The formation of structure I hydrate in presence of n-octyl-beta-D- Glucopyranoside, FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA, 556, 10.1016/j.fluid.2021. 1133734. Sun Qiang, Yuan Gangqiang, Liu Zheng, Gao Jingbo, Wang Yiwei, Guo Xuqiang, Yang Lanying, Directional separation of hydrogen-containing gas mixture by hydrate-membr Ane coupling method, 47 (32): 14580-14588, DOI:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022. 02.2120360-31995. Gao Jingbo, Sun Qiang, Xu Zhen, Zhang Yu, Wang Yiwei, Guo Xuqiang, Yang Lanying, Modelling the hydrate formation condition in consideration of hydrates stru Cture transformation, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2022, 250, DOI: 10.1016/ j.ces.2022.1174876. Li Yang, Guo Xuqiang, Xu Lei, Li Changyun, Liu Xiaofei, Research on the microstructure and refinement mechanism of the preparation of Al-5Ti-1B alloy by powder method, powder metallurgy technology, 2022,8, DOI: 10.19591/j.cnki.cn11-1974/tf.20210 900027. Chen Bo, Li Yangyang, Yang Lanying, Sun Qiang, Wang Yiwei, Liu Aixian, Guo Xuqiang, The thermodynamic inhibition study of two biological osmoprotectants on me Thane hydrate, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, 2022, 166; DOI:10.1016/ j.jct.2021. 106678. Minghui, Yang Xiao, Yang Kun, Yang Zhilin, Wang Tianqi, Guo Xuqiang, Zhang Libo, Viscosity reduction of heavy crude oil by co-heating with hydrothermal liqu Id product of cotton stalk, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOW-CARBON TECHNOLOGIES, 2022, 17, 1024-1028Major achievements (patents and awards, etc.)He has won 8 provincial and ministerial scientific research awards and 4 teaching achievement awards. Some of the winning names are as follows:1. Basic Theory and Applied Research of Gas hydrate Formation/Decomposition Process, First Prize in Natural Science, Ministry of Education, 20092. Basic research on gas hydrate utilization and risk prevention and control, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation Science and Technology Progress Second Prize, 20113. Research and Application of Key Technologies of Organic Fully Synthetic Hydraulic Oil, Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress in Shandong Province, 20144. Natural gas hydrate accumulation mechanism and mining principle simulation experimental technology and device, China Petroleum and Chemical Automation Application Association Technology Invention First Prize, 20165. Anti-oxidan, wear-resistant oil change mileage long energy-saving and environmental protection engine oil key technology development and industrial application, the second prize of innovation achievements of China's industrial research cooperation, 2018In addition, more than 20 invention patents have been granted.Contact informationE-mail: guoxq@cup.edu.cnOffice phone number: 0990-6633319
Wei Wang
Wang Wei,Professor,Doctoral supervisor,Master's Advisor,TEL:010-89733963 Email:w.wang@cup.edu.cnEducational experience:He received his bachelor's degree from University of Petroleum (Beijing) in June 2004In June 2009, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) obtained a PhD degree.Work Experience:He worked as a research assistant at University College London from November 2007 to November 2008, lecturer and Associate professor at China University of Petroleum (Beijing) from July 2009 to June 2014, and professor at China University of Petroleum (Beijing) from June 2014 to present.Research Projects:He is mainly engaged in teaching and scientific research in the field of oil and gas storage and transportation engineering, and carries out research in the field of oil, gas and water multiphase complex flow and flow security. As the person in charge and subject backbone, he has presided over more than ten national and provincial level projects such as National Natural Science Foundation projects, key projects, international cooperation projects, youth projects, national science and technology major projects, and National Excellent paper author Fund.In recent years, the research achievements have advanced in Colloid and Interface Science, Langmuir, Fuel, Chemical Engineering Science, and International Journal of Science More than 50 scientific research papers have been published in domestic and foreign journals such as Multiphase Flow. He has won the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, the Huo Yingdong Young Teachers Fund, the New Century Outstanding Talents of the Ministry of Education, and one hundred outstanding doctoral dissertations in the country.Paper:1.Huang HR, Wang W, Peng ZH, et al., The influence of nanocomposite pour point depressant on the crystallization of waxy oil, Fuel, 2018 221:257-268.2.Jin H, Wang W, Chang HL, et al., Effects of Salt-Controlled Self-Assembly of Triblock Copolymers F68 on Interaction Forces between Oil Drops in Aqueous Solution, Langmuir, 2017 33:14548-14555.3.Jin H, Wang W, Liu FY, et al., Roles of interfacial dynamics in the interaction behaviours between deformable oil droplets, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2017 94: 44-52.4.Sun WY, Wang W, Xu XX, et al., Study on the wax/asphaltene aggregation with diffusion limited aggregation model, Fuel, 2017 191:106-113. 5.Yang JH, Wang W, Huang HR, et al., A further discussion on solid-liquid equilibrium in complex synthetic paraffinic systems with the effects of solid-solid transition, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2017 440:9-18.6.Ma QL, Wang W, Liu Y, et al., Wax adsorption at paraffin oil–water interface stabilized by Span80, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017 518:73-79.7.Liu NN, Wang W, Han JC, et al., A PIV investigation of the effect of disperse phase fraction on the turbulence characteristics of liquid-liquid mixing in a stirred tank. Chemical Engineering Science, 2016 152:528-546.8.Yang JH, Wang W, Huang HR, et al., Prediction of solid-liquid equilibrium in paraffinic systems with new solid solution model, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2016 427:504-512. 9.Wang W, Li K, Ma MY, Jin H, et al., Review and perspectives of AFM application on the study of deformable drop/bubble interactions, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 225: 88–97.10.Wang, W., Cheng, W., et al., Effect of dispersed holdup on drop size distribution in oil water dispersion; experimental observations and population balance modeling. Chemical Engineering Science, 2014 105:22-31.
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